Materials Management

Landfill waste releases harmful greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere in the form of methane, which is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. The Collaborative is working on increasing landfill diversion of organic waste, such as food scraps and yard waste, construction and demolition waste and recyclables.

Priority Actions

From the 2020 Climate Action Plan Update

  • Divert 80% of organics currently landfilled by 2030.
  • Divert 100% of all recoverable construction and demolition (C&D) waste from the landfill by 2030 (some organic material may exist in this waste stream).
  • Divert yard waste from landfill by 2030 through implementation of county-wide collection sites.
  • Divert cardboard from the landfill.


Do you need answers of where and how to recycle? Download the app to answer all of your questions. Recycling is an ever-changing process, stay up-to-date with changes in your area.

Walking Mountains Science Center offers free quarterly tours of the Eagle County Landfill and Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). This is an excellent opportunity to see how the recycling process really works in our county! 

Find out when the next tour is and sign up here

Electronic Waste: It is illegal to dispose of electronic waste in the landfill in Colorado. Click on the link below to learn how to properly dispose of e-waste.

Hazardous Waste: Do you have household hazardous waste, such as paint cans, aerosols, insecticides, or fertilizers? Make sure to dispose of them properly!