

In Eagle County, residential and commercial building energy consumption makes up nearly half of all CO2 emissions. The CAC is working to improve energy efficiency of the existing building stock, while supporting net zero, all electric new construction. You can help us with this momentous effort by improve the energy efficiency of your home and transitioning your energy systems away from fossil fuels.

Priority Actions

From the 2020 Climate Action Plan Update

  • Beneficial Electrification for 5% of existing residential and commercial buildings each year.
  • For new and remodeled residential and commercial buildings, adopt 'above building code' standards and incentives, and implement net-zero or all-electric construction requirements by 2030. Work toward consistency across jurisdictional boundaries in Eagle County.
  • Implement a benchmarking ordinance in Eagle County for all commercial buildings 10,000 square feet or larger.


Sustainable business trainings, resources, and certifications are available through the Actively Green Program at Walking Mountains Science Center. 

Energy audits and walk throughs are available through Energy Smart Colorado and Walking Mountains Science Center.

Energy Smart Contractors can assist in making your building as sustainable as possible!

Getting an energy assessment is the first step to determining what steps need to be taken to make your home or business' building more sustainable. 


Rebates are available to make energy efficiency upgrades more affordable for your home and business. 

Benchmarking energy use of buildings is the first step to understanding and improving energy performance and reducing carbon footprints. As of last year, the State of Colorado is requiring all buildings above 50,000 square feet to benchmark their energy use. Click the links below to learn more. 

The State of Colorado set new Energy Code requirements for all jurisdictions within the State. Read the resource link below to learn more about the requirements of this legislation, including important dates:

The Climate Action Collaborative has partnered with Lotus Engineering & Sustainability, the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP), and the Mozingo Code Group to organize and lead the Eagle County Code Cohort. The goal of the Code Cohort is to review and adopt a regionally-consistent base energy code throughout the region as well as supporting amendments that support County-wide sustainability, climate, and resiliency goals. Check out the resources below to learn more: