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Spring is in the Air and so are Bears…& Trash

It’s time! Bears are coming out from their long winter naps. Typically bears hibernate from November through mid-March, and they wake up hungry. Most commonly, male bears (boars) are the first to emerge from their dens, followed by females (sows) without cubs. Lastly, usually in late April, females...

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Wildlife Migration

Animals in any environment have many essentials for survival. Two are obvious and are needs that we have. The need for food and water. Many don’t consider other essentials that are very much like the needs humans have. Those include cover from the elements, cover from predators, protection for...

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Bird Feeding

Are you one of the 59 million people who feed birds? If yes, you are involved in the second most popular hobby after gardening. Feeding wild birds has been an American tradition for more than 100 years. It is estimated that Americans spend more than $12 billion annually on wild bird food, feeders,...

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